Worthy Causes

  • Support A Worthy Cause On An Ongoing Basis
  • Change the lives of people
  • Fight and Support causes against women and child abuse
  • Be an Organ Donor on my License  
  • Be Present at a Birth  
  • Do a Charity Walks. 
  • Do a Random Act of Kindness. 
  • Donate Books. 
  • Donate Clothing. 
  • Donate Toys at the Holidays. 
  • Feed a Homeless Person. 
  • Find the Meaning of Your Name. 
  • Donate Blood. 
  • Adopt an Animal. 
  • Help Someone With a Check on Their Bucket List. 
  • Plant a Tree. 
  • Cakes for Kids Haven  
  • Sponsor a Child’s Wish through the Make-a-Wish Foundation, 
  • Teach a Class. 
  • Get Something Published.  
  • Write for a cause to motivate and inspire people

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"Fill your life with adventures, not things, Have stories to tell not stuff to show " - Author Unknown