Wednesday 10 April 2019

Experience a throwback to a bygone era with Umgeni Steam Railway

It was clear this old steam train was ready to welcome us and take us on a journey back in time. With a loud whistle the old steam train set off with all the smells and sounds of a past.
It looked like a scene straight out of a classic movie. I must say I have always been fascinated by the old-world charm of former years, wondering what it would have been like living in those days.    As we travelled through the Valley of a Thousand Hills we realised it is not just an experience about the past but a journey with spectacular views.
After an hour of viewing the most majestic scenery we arrived at Inchanga were we had time to eat, shop at the stalls, visit the small railway museum and see the small model railway exhibition.

 This was truly a memorable day.

An experience which will never be forgotten.

Kloof Railway Station (Stokers Arms) and Inchanga Railway Station, Kloof, Durban
Special excursions on the first Sunday of every month.
Standard excursions on the last Sunday of every month.
Telephone+27 (0)31 303-3003 or +27 (0)82 353-6003

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"Fill your life with adventures, not things, Have stories to tell not stuff to show " - Author Unknown