SA Food and Drinks

Traditional South African Desserts To Make and Taste

  • Vetkoek: SA’s twist on a doughnut.
  • Asynpoeding: This traditional Afrikaans dessert. Asynpoeding has vinegar incorporated into its sauce.
  • Boeber: One of the most recognisable Cape Malay desserts, boeber is a comforting mix of vermicelli, milk, rose water, cinnamon and cardamom.
  • Bombay crush: Milkshake-slash-dessert is a Durban creation. Traditionally enjoyed in the Indian community,
  • Don Pedro
  • Hertzoggies: Pastry base, topped with apricot jam and coconut.
  • Koeksisters:  Koeksisters are made by frying plaited dough then dunking it into ice-cold syrup. Try this recipe.
  • Koesisters: The koesister is a genius Cape Malay invention made with an incredibly light and fluffy yeasted dough. It’s delicately spiced with notes of cardamom, cinnamon and dried ginger. It’s dunked in syrup but then comes its integral component – a dusting of desiccated coconut.
  • Mageu: Mageu is a traditional non-alcoholic maize-based drink.
  • Malva pudding
  • Melkkos: It’s essentially milk cooked with flour until thickened and flavoured with cinnamon
  • Milk tart: Milk tart with a cardamom twist. Photo courtesy of The South African Milk Tart Collection.
  • Pumpkin fritters/pampoenkoekies
  • Pannekoek
  • Peppermint Crisp tart
  • Queen cakes
  • Rusks or beskuit
  • Trifle

Traditional South African Dishes to make and try

  • Biltong
  • Boerewors
  • Bokkoms
  • Bobotie
  • Potjiekos
  • Bredie
  • Frikkadel
  • Durban Chicken Curry
  • Bunny Chow
  • Apricot Blatjang
  • Amadumbe
  • Braaibroodjies
  • Braaivleis/shisa nyama
  • Denningvleis
  • Gatsby
  • Snoek
  • Umngqusho
  • Umphokoqo

South African Drink to try

  • Witblits
  • Mampoer
  • Amarula
  • Wines
  • Van Der Hum Liqueur
  • Springbok (Springbokkies)
  • Amasi
  • Rooibos Tea
  • Mageu /amaHewu


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