SA Animals and Wildlife

Few experiences stir the soul as much as a close encounter with wild animals.

  • Buffalo  
  • White / Black Rhino  
  • Lion  
  • Elephant  
  • Giraffes  
  • Baboon  
  • Hippopotamus  
  • Plains Zebra  
  • Warthogs  
  • Monkey  
  • Blue Wildebeest  
  • Impala  
  • Reedbuck  
  • Nyala  
  • Steenbok  
  • Bushbuck  
  • Waterbuck  
  • Kudu  
  • Common Duiker  
  • Cape Glossy Starling Birds  
  • White Fronted Bee Eater Birds  
  • Lilac Breasted Roller Birds  
  • Cheetah
  • Dolphin

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"Fill your life with adventures, not things, Have stories to tell not stuff to show " - Author Unknown